Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Let me in

I'll set you free, from the beginning 

Just drink your wine 

Don't be afraid to let me see you clearly, 

Even the darkest corners of your being, 

The ones you've been unable to uncover 

I want to love your wounds, your shame, your guilt, your troubles, 

Your faults, your fears, your sins, your deepest hollows 

I'll have your back along the way of every single battle 

And when you fail, to me it will not matter 

I'll hold your perfect human hand whether you lose or win 

And if you're wrong or weak or shallow now and then, that's fine 

Just drink your wine 

And let me in.


Alex Cicoan said...

foarte faina poezia :) si ma bucur ca e in engleza... productie proprie? :D

Alexandra Sandu said...

Multumesc, da, altfel as fi specificat sursa :)

Mihai said...

O poezie foarte frumoasa! Felicitari!

cezar firicel said...

bravo, acum trebuie sa gasesti si o linie melodica!

Daniela Caramida said...

Foarte faina poezia !

Mai vrem una :D

Alex Ciocan said...

O poezie foarte frumoasa! Felicitari!

Huse said...

Tare rau poezia !!

Alex Cicoan said...

nimic nou? :(

Infiintare Firma said...

Foarte frumoasa poezia! Felicitari! Astept si altele :)

Diana said...

Foarte tare! Mi-a placut atat de mult, automat am dat share pe Facebook sa vada poporul ca avem si oameni talentati.

Cornolio said...

Big Like! And Share! :)

Pest Control Bucuresti said...

asteptam linia melodica si o noua creatie! felicitari!

DeLuat said...

Frumoase versuri, reusita. asteptam urmatoarele creatii.

Cazare said...

Superbe versurile, te mai asteptam sa ne incanti imaginatia.

Maria said...

Este deosebita. Bravo si felicitari

Fanrally said...

e superba, ma inclin.